Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Content and Form

In the first chapter of our book, the relationship between content and form is described as this "Content is what artists want to say, and Form is how they say is". The best examples i could come up with concerned ads. There is always a message to be taken from an ad but the ones we tend to remember are those that stand out so much we go "oooooh i get that! how creative!". Here are some of the ads that gave me that feeling.

This is a picture advertising a brand of knife. They want to express that the knife is very very sharp. Pretty much saying that it is worth your money since quality knives are expensive and everybody wants their knives to be sharp.

This second picture is an ad by Pepsi suggesting that even straws prefer it over coke. Creative and entertaining indeed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Definition of Design

What is Design?
I chose the 9th definition from Dictionary.com, where design is a noun and described as:

"an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed ".

I chose this image because it really really fit my definition. There at the top there is a sketch of the 'graffiti' to be put on the wall, and at the bottom is the actual product ON the wall.

I chose this definition because if someone was to ask me what a design was, i'd think of not only the rough sketch, but the finished product. The design is what every one will see when i am done but also what only I get to see in the beginning of its production.

Types of Design

Among all the types of design that exist, three of them i will focus on are taken from the 10 definitions of design at the Demystifying usability blog.

Interaction Design
This type of design is focused on how a person will interact with what it is that is being designed.

This is a Nintendo wii controller. It is designed to work with the Nintendo wii gaming system but is designed to fit snugly in a player's hand(s) and can be adjusted to stay put on their wrist as they move their body to perform the tasks of the game. This is an example of interaction design because the controller was designed to interact a person and the nintendo wii (wirelessly).

Graphic Design
This usually describes the look and feel of something, for example let us say Tom is asked to create a graphic design for the blog of a 15 year old girl thats favorite color is yellow and that likes butterflies. Let us also say that Tom created this background for the girl.

This is an example of a graphic design. It will be the look and feel of the 15 year old girl's blog.

Last but not least id like to bring up

Industrial Design
This is a type of design thats main function is to improve the everyday usability of the product with the user. Industrial design tries to combine aesthetics with the usability of the product.

this example is the coke bottle. It was made be aesthetically pleasing & hold your coke at a time when bottles didn't have creative shapes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What is this??

This Blog is for my Fundamentals of Design and Color class,
called 'Fundy Colored'.

This is my first entry! :-)

<3 Leslie Weir