Saturday, April 30, 2011

Implied Motion

This picture is an example of the concept of "illusion of motion" from chapter 11. More specifically, the section on "seeing and feeling impending action".

As you can imagine, the person pouring the wine, will pour until the glass is full. Our minds see the picture, and "anticipate the movement" of the wine from the bottle to the glass.

Emphasis and Focal Point

This is an example of a "Emphasis by placement". Because of where the circle is placed, our eyes move from the colored curved lines up to the top right corner of the page where the white circle is. The placement of the lines puts creates the focal point, the white circle.

This is an example of "emphasizing the whole over the parts". There could be hundreds of lines in this composition that overall make a huge design.

Group Project

-Our group project was omitted a little while after we as a class came up with an idea...

Emotive Lines

This is a photo of lines that i drew, that convey the feeling of being calm. They imitate the curves that can be seen (or rather imagined) as you watch waves hit the sand of a beach. Which is very calming.

This is an image of line that convey the feeling of being angry. They are red, zig-zag lines that i also drew. Although red is a beautiful passionate color, it is sometimes associated with anger. And zig-zagged lines, with their abrupt angle changes convey the feeling of anger or some sort of tension.


This is an example of a line discussed in chapter 7, a vertical line.

This is an example of a line discussed in chapter 7, a diagonal line.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Different Color/Same Color

By making the background a gradient from orange to blue, it appears the gray stripe coming down the middle changes in value. When actually, the gray stripe is gray all the way through the image.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Faith Ringgold

Faith Ringgold was one of the artists featured at the Tubman Art Museum our class took a trip to a few weeks ago. Upon browsing her work, I chose this piece titled "Street Story Quilt #1, 2, 3" as a good example of an interesting way she used color.

The quilt is split into three sections, of three buildings with black people in the windows. The building on the left is more maroon, the building in the middle is really red, and the building to the right is more brown. It almost looks like the colors she chose for the buildings themselves illustrate sunrise in the building, then mid day, then evening time in the building. Imagining that those were her motives for using those colors its easier to create a narrative in your head about what is going on from left to right in the quilt.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Same Value/Different Value

By putting two objects of the same value on a gradient that goes from white to black, the two objects appear to have different value (one lighter and one darker).


This video is called 'All Of The Lights' By Kanye West. This video usues so much color that, it has an epilepsy warning. The first minute and 15 seconds of the video are black and white, but by 1:15 the color flashes begin...

Money As Art

From the website suggested that featured money as artwork ( 'the skyline silhouette money cutouts' were definitely my favorite.

I am partial to scenery, but i can appreciate the fine cuts they used to get the design of the skyline in the money. I am also taken away by the effect the pattern of the money creates on the 'building'.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I felt like this image adequately communicates the visual representation of a sound considering sound is an energy and this image illustrates its movement in a way. It also helps that the 'sound wave' is red and not just black on a white background.

Money Design

I'm one of the people that feels like the United States has some of the most boring money ever! Well, that was until i looked at the money of other contries, i couldn't believe the simplicity of some of the designs. Needless to say, i'm partial to colored money. But not multi colored money, money that uses one color but the design is nice too. I went searching for money designs and one struck me instantly as my favorite. A red colored bill with a simple design. Unfortunately i lost that image and chose this one for my blog

I like it for the same reasons as i liked the original bill note i found. Excluding the green, it utilizes mostly different shades of red. It is the Algerian bill for 10 Dinars.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Grid

This artwork is a good example of a loose grid.
At first glance there appears to be a round shape in the square, but upon closer
investigation, you can see that it is just different sized squares creating this illusion.
It is part of the 'Earth and wood' collection by Lincoln Steward titled
"Grid" and cut from 1/2" thick oak.

This artwork is a good example of a tight grid.
All the squares, pink and yellow are close together and somewhat warped to create a curvy effect.
This was done by artist Robert F. Balazik, hosted with a lot of his other work at
and under the title "vector graphic depicting op art/pop art checkerboard pattern background"

Chuck Close

Chuck Close is a famous painter that does his works based on the use of a grid. This featured piece is called 'Leslie'! For obvious reasons it had to be my favorite (my name is Leslie). Even more that that, Close's work reminds me of mosaic. Mosaic type works are a preference of mine because they take such time to do. I like to do them because viewers can appreciate all the tiny details put in to the artwork. I enjoy his use of color to make this face appear out of a cluster of little squares of color.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Repetition Of Form

This ad by Playtex Sport, a brand of Tampon, illustrates repetition of form.
The girl's figure is morphed and repeated from a sporty girl to a party girl to illustrate
that the tampons advertised are strong enough to keep her protected during an active sport and
again later if she wanted to dance the night away.

Gestalt 2 - In Nature

-coming soon-

Monday, February 14, 2011

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist that uses natural environments to make sometimes sculptures sometimes just visual images. When he does his work, he photographs it and then leaves it alone (so usually the work gets blown away, rained on, anything natural that would happen to it to destroy it over time). Therefore I feel like all of Andy Goldsworthy's artwork is one of a kind.

Of all the Andy Goldsworthy artwork i've seen this is my favorite. If i had to guess how it was made, i'd say a person had to lay on the floor and have somebody else pour those red stones on actually i have no idea how Andy accomplished this. I guess that counts as a reason to like it that much more. It aesthetically pleases me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gestalt - Unity

This picture illustrates the gestalt principle of unity with varied repetition.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Louise Nevelson

I'll be honest and say that i favor Louise's Nevelson's use of the boxes so far! They have blown me away at one glace! All the pieces sometimes protrude from the boxes, other times it appears that there are levels of depth to the boxes. If i was near one, id hold it in front of a wall in a dark room and point a flashlight at it to see the different shadows. Call me weird if you'd like.

On a larger scale, this is an example of Nevelson's work. Its my favorite because it evokes a childlike excitement in me. I want to go inside and explore it. My imagination is running wild just looking at it. Thats the best way to explain why this is my favorite of all the Nevelson pieces i've seen :-)

Lucas Samaras

Lucas Samaras was another artist that used boxes to do artwork.
The picture above is one of the boxes that he created that i liked the most.
The box clearly has shards of glass sticking out of it, but i'm curious about the texture of the rest of the box. Is it sharp all the way around? Is that yarn or electrical cords at the top of the box? Why does the box open at the top if the inside is covered by that metallic shiny plate? It is an interesting box indeed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cornell Box

In our Fundamentals of design and color class, we've been working on Joseph Cornell boxes of our very own. Joseph Cornell took regular objects and turned regular boxes into exhibits of strange but beautiful items.

This is an example of a Joseph Cornell Box. I really hope it is one of his originals because the search i did was very vast but this is my favorite. It stuck out because it has colors, but when you pay close attention, there are flower petals, shells, a piece of fabric and what looks like a shiny ribbon. Its very girly, which kind of makes me think its not a Joseph Cornell orginal...but it still is my favorite from the search.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Content and Form

In the first chapter of our book, the relationship between content and form is described as this "Content is what artists want to say, and Form is how they say is". The best examples i could come up with concerned ads. There is always a message to be taken from an ad but the ones we tend to remember are those that stand out so much we go "oooooh i get that! how creative!". Here are some of the ads that gave me that feeling.

This is a picture advertising a brand of knife. They want to express that the knife is very very sharp. Pretty much saying that it is worth your money since quality knives are expensive and everybody wants their knives to be sharp.

This second picture is an ad by Pepsi suggesting that even straws prefer it over coke. Creative and entertaining indeed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Definition of Design

What is Design?
I chose the 9th definition from, where design is a noun and described as:

"an outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed ".

I chose this image because it really really fit my definition. There at the top there is a sketch of the 'graffiti' to be put on the wall, and at the bottom is the actual product ON the wall.

I chose this definition because if someone was to ask me what a design was, i'd think of not only the rough sketch, but the finished product. The design is what every one will see when i am done but also what only I get to see in the beginning of its production.

Types of Design

Among all the types of design that exist, three of them i will focus on are taken from the 10 definitions of design at the Demystifying usability blog.

Interaction Design
This type of design is focused on how a person will interact with what it is that is being designed.

This is a Nintendo wii controller. It is designed to work with the Nintendo wii gaming system but is designed to fit snugly in a player's hand(s) and can be adjusted to stay put on their wrist as they move their body to perform the tasks of the game. This is an example of interaction design because the controller was designed to interact a person and the nintendo wii (wirelessly).

Graphic Design
This usually describes the look and feel of something, for example let us say Tom is asked to create a graphic design for the blog of a 15 year old girl thats favorite color is yellow and that likes butterflies. Let us also say that Tom created this background for the girl.

This is an example of a graphic design. It will be the look and feel of the 15 year old girl's blog.

Last but not least id like to bring up

Industrial Design
This is a type of design thats main function is to improve the everyday usability of the product with the user. Industrial design tries to combine aesthetics with the usability of the product.

this example is the coke bottle. It was made be aesthetically pleasing & hold your coke at a time when bottles didn't have creative shapes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What is this??

This Blog is for my Fundamentals of Design and Color class,
called 'Fundy Colored'.

This is my first entry! :-)

<3 Leslie Weir